Vehicle Identification Number

The VIN is an alphanumeric code composed of a total of 17 characters. Its purpose is to allow the rapid recognition, identification, and analysis of the legal status of any vehicle. The acronym VIN serves as an abbreviation for Vehicle Identification Number. To verify if the documents of a car are correct, you must check that the VIN of the invoice matches the one recorded on the vehicle. You get information on –

  • License plate,
  • Vehicle identification status,
  • Mechanical information,
  • Plating data,
  • Compulsory Insurance,
  • Theft reports,
  • Consultation of infractions in main states,
  • Information and tips to review vehicle documentation.

How is a VIN code composed?

It takes the form of different identifiable aspects of a vehicle, arranged in succession. From start to finish, these are the country of origin, who manufactured (or imported or assembled) it, its division or category, a unit descriptor, a confirmation digit, its year of manufacture, the packing plant, and its number of production series. Just put your VIN number here and simply click “decode” to get information.

Does my motorcycle have the same type of VIN as cars?

Effectively, all vehicles have a VIN with the same number of characters. And it makes sense since each of the parts that make up the sequence offers the necessary information for its correct identification, regardless of what type of vehicle it is. Dispense with any of the characters of the VIN would lose valuable information for its correct registration with organizations. It is generally plated or stamped on the fixed metal structure or chassis. It is usually located in the middle part between the engine, the handlebar and the front wheel.

Is it true that it is mandatory for vehicles to have a VIN?

Of course, all vehicles must have its corresponding VIN. If you drive a vehicle without a VIN or with the same adulterated one, your drivers could face serious legal problems. You can find it in three different places. You choose the one that is most comfortable for you. The easiest to check is in the same vehicle. It also appears (plated or stamped) on the chassis or fixed part of the vehicle. You can also find it on the driver’s license and in the insurance policy that corresponds to such car.

The VIN of vehicle was deleted or falsified, what should you do?

If you purchased a vehicle in good faith and it does not have a VIN or it was tampered with, take immediate steps to avoid future legal problems. The first thing is to file a complaint with the police authorities as soon as possible. Bear in mind that the violation of such code is a punishable offense.