Auto Accident

Car accidents are an unfortunate and all too frequent reality for millions of people worldwide, often leading to injuries and financial strain. While these accidents may often result in injuries and financial setbacks, they’re preventable!

In the event of an accident, it’s vitally important to contact 911 immediately and collect all relevant information from those involved such as names, numbers, license plate information and insurance policy data. Remember the following tips from a car accident lawyer for car trip safety.

Avoid Distractions

Though cell phone use is the primary driving distraction, any activity which takes a driver’s eyes off the road or their attention away from driving is equally hazardous – including eating while driving, using hand-held devices, grooming and even using makeup while driving. Even taking just four to five seconds off for grooming at 100km/h could leave them blinded for the length of a football field!

Although it can be challenging to avoid certain activities while driving, it is crucial that drivers make every effort possible to limit distractions. Craig Hospital sees 43% of its spinal cord and brain injury patients due to car accidents that could have been avoided with just a bit of extra effort from drivers – such as programming their GPS system while driving in a safe location and for only short durations.

Drive Safely

Accidents can be hard to predict, but taking measures can significantly lower the risks involved with car accidents. Be mindful of your surroundings and maintain an appropriate distance from vehicles in front of you.

Rear-end collisions can happen even on highway speeds if a driver ahead of you slows suddenly or suddenly stops short to avoid something, even without your knowledge or attention being drawn away from driving the vehicle in front. Just a second of inattention could cause you to rear-end them!

If you are in an accident, call the police as soon as you can, and write down the names, addresses, home phone numbers, and licence plate numbers of everyone who was involved. Unless instructed to do so by police enforcement, don’t move your car.

Keep Your Distance

Accidents often result from drivers following too closely behind another vehicle, leaving no time for reaction when that vehicle suddenly brakes. A general guideline for following distance between your car and that in front is three seconds; increase this number based on weather conditions or larger vehicles.

Check your blind spots regularly – even just a quick glance can reveal drivers performing potentially hazardous maneuvers that you were unaware of.

Drive Strategically

Your driving can’t dictate what other drivers do on the roadways, but you have control of how you drive. By anticipating what other drivers may do and making adjustments accordingly, you can put yourself in a better position to avoid crashes. If someone is driving aggressively or negligently in front of you, leave plenty of space between your car and theirs as sudden stops could force you into rear-ending them.

Avoid Drowsy Driving

Drowsiness impairs drivers’ coordination, reaction time and judgment; as such it should be treated as equally risky as drunk driving or distracted driving.

Drowsy driving can be caused by various factors, including shift work, insufficient sleep and medications (both over-the-counter and prescribed). Sleep disorders also increase your risk for fatigued driving.

Driving while fatigued can lead to accidents at even low speeds, as microsleeps in the car are just as damaging as full-on sleep at the wheel. To combat drowsy driving safely and avoid accidents altogether, get enough rest, take regular breaks during long trips and travel with someone so they can keep you awake by talking or keeping you company while keeping awake – also avoid foods and beverages containing caffeine that temporarily keeps you alert but ultimately wears off over time.